Meet our Staff - Lynda
This week, the staff member we are interviewing is our Veg shop supervisor Lynda. We asked Lynda to share a little more about her role at the Food Village...

Lynda keeps our busy Veg Shop in order, helping customers and keeping the stock fresh. She knows a thing or two about fresh fruit and veg!
Q1) Hi Lynda, can you tell us what you do in your role in the Food Village Farm Shop and how long you have worked at Primacy?
I joined primacy food village in September 2006 when it first opened. In the farm shop I'm responsible for ordering the grocery stock and the delicious traybakes/biscuits, tasty jams / marmalades to the yummy sweets and chocolates. We have a great selection of tempting items in store, making sure all our local fresh fruit and vegetables is checked in and up to standard before being put out for sale.
Q2) What do you enjoy most about your job?
I can honestly say 'I love my job', I enjoy what I do and meeting new people and the regular customers that I've got to know over the ten years. Its always good to have a catchup and bit of crack with them.
Q3) What does a typical day look like in the Farm Shop?
A typical day is always busy whether I'm filling out stock, ordering stock, serving customers, making up our famous fruit baskets and hampers which are available to order all year round and are very popular your day flies in.
Q4) Primacy Meats is well known for offering fresh, local and seasonal produce. In the Farm Shop you’ll see the produce coming in everyday - which of the produce is your favourite and what would you recommend?
Yes everyday we take delivery of our local fruit and veg every morning. I love the smell of the fresh soup vegetables, there noting tastier than a pot of home-made vegetable soup.
Q5) What would you say marks out the Farm Shop's produce as different from the bigger supermarket's when comparing the fruit, veg etc on offer?
When you compare the likes of cauliflowers, turnips and savoys, the farm shop's would always be larger in size fresh every morning and good value.
Q6) Finally, in 3 words how would you describe the Primacy Farm Shop?
I'd describe the Food Village Farm Shop as local, friendly and quality