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Food Village Opening Times
Mon - Fri: 8am - 5.30pm
Sat: 8am - 5pm
Primacy Food Village Logo

Award Winning Family Butchers
Quality local produce at a great price

Our Story

"Primacy Meats Food Village is essentially a one-stop-shop for locally sourced produce."

We offer a traditional family butchers sourcing much of our produce from our own farm combined with the convenience of a greengrocers and Coffee Shop/Gift Shop. Our range includes most items you would expect to see in a kitchen store cupboard, everything form the basics such as bread and milk to those niche products that we all enjoy as a treat!

Our Story begins with Henry Bowman back in the early 1950's


Grandad Bowman started his pig farm at Whitespots in Newtownards. He was a familiar figure around the town (although his horse Betsy may have been more famous!) as twice weekly he collected swill from door-to-door to feed his pigs. The townsfolk would keep stale bread, fruit and veg for collection rather than throw it in the bin .... essentially an early form of recycling!

Grandad Bowman continued collecting until the mid 1960's when he retired but passed on the passion for livestock farming and work ethic to his son George who took over and developed the pig farm.


George bought a farm in the Craigantlet Hills and diversified to rear beef, lamb and turkey. It is the same farm that supplies all of its stock to Primacy Farm Shop today. 


George bought Primacy Meats as an outlet for his livestock. At that time Primacy Meats was a popular butchers shop specialising in freezer packs which was the trend at the time. It was at this stage that Henrys grandkids, Georges children became involved. Having grown up and worked on the farm, and have reached school leaving age, it was a natural progression that they would follow George into the business just as he had with his father. Over the next 15 years they qualified as butchers and developed the catering side of the business, supplying meat to many of the local restaurants, golf clubs and hotels.


In January 2006 work started on the premises we operate from today and we opened in August 2006. Our new premises gave us the opportunity to take everything we had learnt over the years and the feedback we had gathered from our customers to put together a one-stop-shop which aims to provide good value quality meat to happy, returning customers.

Our Story continues with you...

Copyright Primacy Farm Butchers © 2014-2019